
We all have the ability to heal ourselves.

And having some expert guidance helps a lot.

At HopeGuide, we are driven by the knowledge that we, as humans, are inherently wired for healing. You don’t need us or anyone else to heal; that’s all you.

You don’t have to do this alone.

And yet, seeing the path to your own healing is one of the hardest things when you’re struggling. In our darkest moments, why are we expected to be instant mental health experts, knowing exactly what we need to heal?

Do I need therapy? If so, what kind?

Sometimes all we need is a guide; someone who has been there before us and can point us in the direction we need to go.

We have built our organization around this idea.

Learn more about Our Founder here.

Someone that will help you manage the healing process, that will listen to you and ensure that you’re always on the best path as you evolve? 

That’s why we created HopeGuide.

Your personal Guide will be with you through every stage of your healing journey, from onboarding to healing and beyond. 

Guided Journey

They’ll help you understand all the potential paths of healing and find what fits you best. They’ll help you choose the right therapist(s) and treatments and connect with a community of people committed to long-term healing and freedom from trauma. 

Have you ever wished someone (you trust) could just step in and guide you through the best path?

“There is a wisdom in trauma – when we realize that our traumatic responses and imprints are not ourselves, and we can work them through and thus become ourselves.”

Gabor Maté, The Wisdom of Trauma

Our Approach

For decades we were stuck with largely ineffective tools for healing trauma. But as technology has progressed, so has our ability to understand the way the mind works and changes.

Innovative researchers like Bessel van der Kolk, author of “The Body Keeps The Score” and Rick Doblin of MAPS have disrupted old models of thinking and are opening up a whole new world of modalities for healing from trauma at the root level. 

Finding the time to research all treatment options and determine the best course of therapy is a serious challenge, especially when navigating the chaos of trauma. 

As a result, many people don’t pursue treatment or they give up after trying one or two things that “didn’t work”. We designed HopeGuide to make this process as easy and painless as possible.

Our goal is to help you create a clear path for inner healing by working with your personal Guide to determine which treatments are most likely to help you heal and begin a new chapter of life.

Our Process

Why HopeGuide is Unique

Our Courses

HopeGuide provides expert guidance and a path to healing from trauma.

Learn more about Why Hope Guide is Different.