
Share the Gift of Hope

At HopeGuide, we take a different approach to healing from trauma. We believe that every one of us is wired for healing, and that we are at our best when we are acting as “guides” for our clients rather than “healers.” It’s an important distinction and one that is critical to our client’s sustained healing and resilience.

We also believe that efficiency in therapy is a good thing for everyone involved, especially our clients. That’s why every client starts with our unique Personalized Path Process, designed to bridge the gap between the most modern research of trauma healing and what each client is experiencing in their lives; the end result is an individualized healing plan that considers the whole person, not just their “mental health.

If this sounds like “common sense” to you, than you’re probably one of us. This is not yet the norm in the industry, but we’re on a mission to make it so.

Here, you'll find all the resources you need to understand our mission, our work, and the impact we're making.

Media Resources

Download our press kit for a comprehensive overview of HopeGuide, including logos, bios, and key facts.

Press Kit

High-Resolution Images

Access a gallery of images suitable for print and digital media.

Explore our blog for expert articles, therapy insights, and thought leadership in the field of trauma recovery.


We're Here to Help

If you're a journalist or media professional looking for specific information or seeking to cover our work, don't hesitate to reach out. We're committed to providing transparent and timely information to help you tell our story.

Media Inquiries

For interviews, comments, or more information, please contact our Media Relations Team.

Speaking Engagements

Interested in having a member of our team speak at your event? Contact us for more information.

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Our Process

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Why HopeGuide is Unique

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Our Courses

HopeGuide provides expert guidance and a path to healing from trauma.

Learn more about Why Hope Guide is Unique.